Debt Recovery

Debt Recovery – Downloadable Fee Guide

Court Fees and Agri Advisor Fees 2024

Small Claims – claim valued at less than £10,000 (Undefended) 

Value of Claim                  Court fee                                          Our Fees

Up to £5,000                   £35 – £205                                         £400 – £750 plus VAT

£5,001 – £10,000               £455                                                £750 – £1,500.00 plus VAT


Small Claims – claim valued at less than £10,000 (Defended)

Once the claim is issued, if a defence or admission is filed the matter will have to be dealt with on a time spent basis at an hourly rate of between £134.00 – £189.00 plus VAT (£160.80 – £226.80 including VAT) depending on the fee earner dealing with the matter.


Fast Track and Multi-Track – claims valued at more than £10,000.

Court fee

If the claim is valued at more than £10,000 but less than £200,000 the court fee will be 5% of the value of the claim.

If the claim is valued at more than £200,000 the court fee will be £10,000.


Agri Advisor Fees

These claims are more complex than those falling within the Small Claims Track, therefore the above work will be undertaken at an hourly rate of between £189.00 – £225.00 plus VAT (£226.80 – £306.00 including VAT) depending on the fee earner dealing with the matter.

Once judgment has been entered enforcement action may be necessary. This is dealt with on a case-by-case basis and an appropriate enforcement method suggested. Any work undertaken to enforce a judgement will be charged on a time spent basis as above.

In addition to the above there are various other expenses and disbursements which may be necessary to incur to pursue debt claims such as Counsel’s fees and experts’ fees. Those fees will vary depending on the complexity and size of the claim.


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